Every year as the parade draws near, technology seems to become possessed by the spirit of a full moon or perhaps gremlins.
The committee graciously appreciates the support of all our participants when there are delays of any kind. We do our very best to run an efficient operation, but, more importantly, a fun-filled parade experience for participants and spectators alike.
Technology interferes and sometimes it seems as though we should go back to old-fashioned methods. By the same token, technology allows us communication without busy signals, the ability to leave messages, and the ability to reach more people than ever before.
Good and bad, like all things in this world, technology encompasses a bit of both.
Plans were to be sending out parade numbers today and this evening. Looks like that will be happening the day prior to the parade and the day of the parade. We thank you for your good spirits and look forward to seeing you Wednesday evening!
To our spectators, c'mon down to Cochranton and check out all the fun things at the fair before and after the parade! Live band at 8PM following the parade! Food of all types at the fairgrounds! Animals to pet! Rides for the kids! Home-show exhibits! Games to play! Friends to make!
Remember, please, walk-ins are not permitted in our line-up. To those who applied and are registered, we look forward to seeing you at sign-in! If you missed applying for this year's parade, send us your contact information and we will make sure you get an invitation next year!
As the years go by, our committee members get a bit older and eventually retire from parade duties. We encourage you to consider getting involved and joining our fun group so that this tradition in our community may continue for many years! Please get in touch with us and join us! First requirement: you should really love a parade! Requirement Number Two: You must be willing to volunteer your time; parade committee members are volunteers, unpaid
See you at the fair And at the parade! For fair information, please visit the new website www.cochrantonfair.org .