VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDEDYou love a parade and so do we!
What can you do to make sure we always have a parade moving through the streets of our beloved little town? VOLUNTEER TO HELP! We have a small core committee and we need new people to join our awesome crew for the fun and excitement that goes with throwing a party for several thousand in the streets of our town. We always need LOTS of VOLUNTEERS on Parade Day -- there is much activity that goes on behind the scenes, hours before the parade steps-off. What are Your Talents? Do you like to organize? Do you like to be outside? Do you like to plan? Are you good at making signs? Have you previously directed traffic? Do you know how to use a hammer, a stapler, duct tape, a computer printer, and a garbage bag? (Those are just some of the core items we find useful before, during, and after the parade.) We WILL find a niche for you in our crew!! Please drop us an email at [email protected] and let us know you're interested! Parade Day stands on the horizon of the calendar and plans are underway! How It All Happens
Why We Do What We Do
Parade photos courtesy of Peggy Massung. Volunteer photo used under Creative Commons from Parker Knight.